Cleaned up some of the Design By Human shop, added some stuff to the TeeSpring shop (Which is now just called "Spring" for some reason.)
One of the only reasons I'm using "Spring" at this point is because it allows integration with both the YouTube channel (Shop tab) and Instagram. A lot of folks tend to buy stuff through there for some reason rather than Design By Humans... even though DBH are cheaper in price. But it is what it is.
Also been posting some Steve clips on Instagram, Tik Tok (Yes I have one), Facebook & Twitter , as those places are fairly "short attention span" for most people. Clip compilations will usually be posted on YouTube & Twitch, and sometimes facebook. So, don't feel like you're missing anything on TikTok, which I know a lot of people DON'T like using. (I'm kinda just posting there because everyone else was posting my stuff without my permission. So it's like YouTube all over again in 2009. And if my work is going to be posted there regardless, I might as well do it. :(
Discord will probably get a bit of an update in the near future as I'd like to clean it up a bit and make proper areas for folks to hang out and converse. Does that mean I'll be more active there? Probably... maybe... perhaps... no idea. I'm always working on something and tend to avoid conversations 'cause you know... I'm workin' here :)
We'll see.
Other than that, the Steve stuff has been fun, as I haven't had the time to do a lot of dead-pan humor since 4y-Records. So it's good to flex that low-key part of my brain. :)
Anyway, back to work! (And yes, I'm still working on Foamy stuff. Just multitasking the hell out of everything) :)