For those not keeping up with the YouTube "ADpocalypse" it's pretty much affected EVERYONE on YT. (Myself included.) So with that in mind, I'll be posting new material on NG and Twitch as well as YT.
After 16 years of Foamy (Sept 10th was the anniversary), I tend to forget, as do we all, that YouTube is not the world. We all go there at some point or another for our music/vods/tutorials. It's CAN BE a great place for that stuff, but the platform as it is now, is bloated and inadequete. The bots or algorythms used to demonetize content, do not understand humor, context or sarcasm, thus, it's broken. If they fix it, fantastic, if they don't it's just going to be a bland site of "G" rated content that no one is going to be able to monetize. If you're a content creator, make sure you LOVE what you do. It's the only way you're going to keep going when hurdles like this trip you up.
Keep Creating!
Welcome back.. who knows with enough NG supporters this could be your second YouTube home.