I work on the Foamy / Neurotically Yours for eternity. So that's what I do. Currently in the process of updated ALL original Foamy episodes to full HD with NEW episodes being posted every 2 weeks on NG, YT, Twitch & even FB. Support if ya can. Patreon! :)

Age 85, Male


Been There, Yes.


Joined on 12/28/02

Exp Points:
45 / 50
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> 100,000
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3y 10m 29d

22 Years of Foamy! THANK YOU!

Posted by illwillpress - September 10th, 2023

Yep, today marks 22 years of Foamy! From comics to cartoons Foamy seems to have been around forever.

Thanks everyone for the support over the years!

There's been a lot of ups and downs over the last 2 decades, but folks have kept it going and it's appreciated more than you know. :)

Now back to work I go! Still have cartoons to make, but I will take some time off today to drink a coffee-soda.

It's a thing!







Congrats on 22 Years! Foamy has existed since I was like 11.....Damn I think I need a baby aspirin after typing that.

My life is like a video game
Trying hard to beat the stage
All while I am still collecting coins
Trying hard to save the girl
Obstacles, I'm jumping hurdles
I'm growing up to be a big boy
I battle with the evil ways
I travel far and try and save
Sorry, but your princess isn't here
I take a rest, I push the pause
Level up and move along
In hopes that the next stage, I will clear
I fucking passed, asshole
I'm just trying to keep from dying
It's just a game that we play, and for heaven's sakes
Looking for a better way to play it
Life is for keeping score and forevermore
Stop complaining and start changing it
Today I went to therapy
Told him my embarrassing
Issues that I'm having with my life (with my life)
He told me that I need to change
Life is not a video game
So stop playing and open up your eyes
I'm just trying to keep from dying
It's just a game that we play, and for heaven's sakes
Looking for a better way to play it
Life is for keeping score and forevermore
Stop complaining and start changing it
Don't talk about it, just be about it
Don't ever doubt it, even when your brain is clouded
I may be crazy, but life's amazing
And through it all and even with your problems facing
So just know that it's okay
My life is like a video game
Trying hard to beat the stage
All while I am still collecting coins
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start
It's just a game that we play, and for heaven's sakes
Looking for a better way to play it
Life is for keeping score and forevermore
Stop complaining and start changing it
It's just a game that we play, and for heaven's sakes
Looking for a better way to play it
Life is for keeping score and forevermore
Stop complaining and start changing

Congrats. That's quite some time. Much as I loved it in the past, the recent stuff does seem fairly uninspired. Quality over quantity where possible, please. I know you got it in you. Bring in others to assist too, man. Branch the plots out, really make something of it. Feel like it can be much more.

Happy 22 years Foamy.

n the art style got worse over the time lolz

Bro acts like yesterday was just a scratch. Respect

Would say I respect you not responding to the turd you dropped yesterday but that just means you're gonna keep putting out dog water content so uh....lol.

fuck you

I still love Foamy, but man, stop it with the AI backgrounds in your new videos. Why are you doing that? Even a hastily drawn simple background would look better.

so you're just not gonna respond to yesterday's whole thing, that's lovelyyyyyyyy

How have you managed to worsen your art skills every single year?? That's a skill within itself.

@Astrocade He either doesn't care about reading reviews or comments, or he has and doesn't care what people have to say. Either way, it sucks.

@Coolboyman i think just my annoyance at his stuff has turned to actual dislike of the guy himself

@Astrocade It's a bit different for me, was never a big fan but I took no issue (for a very long time) with the guy and him making it. Just a guy making something I personally thought was poor. But the AI stuff really rubbed me the wrong way. It starts to make me question his morals when he refuses to admit it and doesn't take the steps to fix an easily solvable problem, or have any sort of empathy at how it's affecting other artists who put months of hard work into their movies. Does he actually believe he's trickling people into thinking he's not using AI?

Bro, you said that and not anything to your biggest failed movie

Congrats! I hope it doesn't deterio-

Aw hell nah, this is TotW-worthy content. I love it!

@Royal-Harmonica A scratch? Your arm's off!

What a ride!

Happy [yesterday] Foamy Day, dude!

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