Been on Reddit for 7 years, so I decided to start posting there, but if you're already here, then there's probably no need to be there. Kinda just moving things around to less restrictive platforms as YT is ... well.... YT.
Have a lot of catch-up to do on Reddit, but I'll probably start fresh with a handful of comics/animations from the series and add new stuff as it's created.
Other than that, September marks 20 years of Foamy, so that's a thing. I tend to not dwell on stuff like that as Sept 10th 2001 was the day the first comic was released... the next morning sucked. So Usually I just work through it. Stupid humans ruining stuff.
YouTube (and especially its over-reliance on bots to enforce tricky Internet laws) is such a pain, and this is coming from someone who posts YouTube Kids-friendly stuff and doesn’t bother getting monetized.