Without warning, notice, or a head's up at any time, ALL content on my YT channel was demonetized at like, 4AM today. So for those who want to help out : Patreon
Unfortunately I had to go through my channel and do a mass deleting of questionable content (which has been fine on YT for a decade), so unfortunately, if you watch there... it's not there anymore. New episodes will still be posted in the usual places, but the original series HD upgrades will be spotty from here on out.
YT generally requires 30 days before I can re-apply for partnership or get re-monetized, but hopefully they'll listen to my request. (Dawn B. is out of work due to COVID closing her job down, so I WAS supporting both of us with my work... which is tricky for any content creator to do.)
If you can, please retweet my pinned tweet on Twitter
Sometimes tweets are the only way companies listen. :(
wow sorry to hear that got to say that is bullshit i mean i knew youtube had sucken low but not this low hope things get better for you and the angry reation is at youtube pulling a stunt like this on such an amazing youtuber like you that is just stupid and wrong ether way wishing you the best and i will do that hope you can manage