Like everyone else, I've been on lock down... which honestly, is like.... Tuesday for me. I kinda just stay inside and work on Foamy things, so this has been rather "normal" for me. (Kinda miss getting real food at a diner, but hey... pandemic). Hope everyone else who doesn't already live like a shut-in is doing well.
Be well. Things will get back to "normal" before we know it. :)
Other than that, for those who haven't been keeping up everywhere else, I started a Foamy podcast called "Squirrels & Robots" a few weeks ago to test the format. So far so good. It's a simple round table of squirrel talk with a robot. :P So that's a thing.
(I haven't posted them here 'cause NG isn't really a podcast platform... or is it now? idk. I just look at doodles and cartoons here.)
Anyway, back to work!
Hope for the best!