18 Years of Foamy!
Yep, today marks a full 18 years of Foamy! It all started way back in the day when Neurotically Yours was first released as a comic book. At the time it was a small comic, printed on a copier, hand stapled together and quite literally sold on the streets in the village area of N.Y.C. (But mostly given away.) Soon I started working with Macromedia's Flash 4.0 (which I still use today) creating cartoons, posting them to Newgrounds, moved over to YouTube, (while also posting to NG), made some ok business choices, avoided some "deals" that would have relinquished control of Foamy to some rather high profile media companies. Settled into what I do now, and here we are. So to everyone who's been supporting over the years, from the newer folks to that one girl who bought a comic in the city and stuck a Foamy sticker on her shirt in 2001, THANK YOU! Obviously I'm in this for the long term, so I should probably get back to work. Thanks again for the continued support!
Lookin back, watching newgrounds series in middleschool up to high was definitely a reprieve from the real world.
Ironically your works, among other's, applied real life shit that added touches of grim comedy and then taking the piss out of it always felt enjoyable.
Preciate man, it's been a good piece of newgrounds history to witness.