Working on the usual Foamy stuff, planning another Foamy related thing for some time in 2023/2024 (maybe), been working on the Twitch streams with both the Pum'Kin Guy & Steve characters which is fun, as a side project.
The Foamy podcast is still being worked on but the episodes will be random as I tend to cover most of the news topics on the Twitch streams. (It's just quicker to do it live than sit and record a podcast, adjust voices, edit sound and all that, and Steve is fairly close to Foamy with his take on things, though very low-key.)
Anyway, for those who missed it, I said before I'll be saving some topics for the Foamy podcast that aren't terribly time sensitive.
Society looks at 3 day old news as ancient history and it's pointless to try and cover everything with the Squirrels, but experimenting with Vtuber stuff has led to me start working on a Pilz-E vtuber, which will take forever to get done, but it's slowly in the works. Why not Foamy? Well, Foamy kinda hates people. So having him yell at a live audience probably wont go over too well.
In the meantime, here's a playlist of Steve stuff if ya need to catch up.
I'll keep ya posted on the other stuff. Next Foamy episode should be on the 12th or so.