The first episode of "Minion's Quest" has been posted! What's it about? It's about a minion on a quest to search for her lost master. The show will explain itself as it goes on so I don't want to give too much away. The little blob in the comic strip below will show up in episode 2. For those wondering why I decided to start up a fantasy type cartoon... it's no secret I'm pretty geeky when it comes to stuff like Warcraft and such... and frankly, I've been sitting on this idea for about 5 years or so. Preoccupied with all things Foamy, this got set on the back burner with 4y-Records & Dia & Tofu... and about 4 other series. As the genre for fantasy stuff blew up a bit with "The Guild" & "Penny Arcade" I kinda just shook my head and figured eventually someone else would have come up with the idea and would run with it. Apparently no one did, so I said screw it. Let me work on this thing before it just fades from my brain. The humor may be a bit more geeky than Foamy stuff and there probably wont be any swearing. So don't expect pissed off blobs ranting about how Ogres suck or something. We'll see how things go. 3 episodes are done so far and I'm getting a good feel for how the characters will interact in an animated enviroment. Besides I really need to work on something that isn't centered around NYC. Foamy, 4y, Dia & Tofu all take place in Manhattan so this gives me a chance to go beyond my comfort zone.